Dir. Daniel Evans | Des. Peter McKintosh | Mvmnt Dir. Ann Yee | MS. Nigel Lilley | MD. Cat Beveridge | LX Des. Howard Harrison | SND Des. Paul Groothuis | VID Des. Gillian Tan
As stage crew swing I covered the 4 stage crew plots for holiday, illness, and them to swing into another role. South Pacific had some automated elements along with a collection of other trucks and items. When covering plots I would have to set and strike scenic elements including spading automated trucks and flying collections of pendants & small items. 
South Pacific tells the story of a navy nurse stationed on the island during World War II, she falls for the French plantation owner however struggles to accept his mixed-race children. The US troops are waiting around for the war to reach them so some of them use their time to run a makeshift laundry to earn an extra quick buck. 
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
Photo By Johan Persson
© Johan Persson
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